Frangipani Flower
Celestial Hearts ʚ♡ɞ
  • Why "Celestial Hearts"?

    Constelation is one of the main things that gets us closer. Remembering our first special and memorable night where we sit by the swings at midnight and watch the starry dark sky together as we drown ourselves into the moment

    Inspired by lots of 90s and 20s personal websites, where most webmasters and webmistersses have a special page dedicated for their beloved one. Here, i will share about our love for each other, so bit of a warning though, it could be kinda corny lol

      Est. 11th December 2024  

    Been together for:
    Days till the faithful day:


  • Finn, my dear...

    Finn came into my life unexpectedly. At the time i finally find peace in solitude, it's decided that (to be continued...)

    About Finn

    Finn is a funny and weird ambivert nerd. He might come off as a quite stoic guy at first, but he's actually very talkative once you get to know him more. Always throwing jokes here and there and made me laugh. He could be quite... "unique" sometimes, but that's actually what i like about him: Finn isn't afraid to be whoever he is. Besides all of that, he's the most hardworking person i've ever known, and still managed to spend his time with me. No matter how busy he is, he always checks up one me and help me whenever i needed it. You managed to take care of me and i'm very grateful for that.

    Both me and Finn went to the same major, and that's where we met. I was a lab asisstant and he's the practicioner that i'm being given a responsibility to by my Professor. Funny how i used to hate you so much because it's sooo hard to collect your lab reports and you're at the brink of an ice in failing your practicum class.

    Me: "You know back then you almost failed your practicum, right?"
    Finn: "Well if it means i'm gonna see you again, i don't mind failing"
    Me: "Lmao that's not how it works, dumbass"

    A quite funny conversation actually, but I can't help but blushing at the time

    Although I'm more a microbiology biotech gal and he's more of a bioprotists microalgae ecology guy. We're both currently exploring each other fields and planned to get biomedics together in the future for our masters degree.

    I hope i can give you the same amount of love that you gave me, and i wish you nothing but happiness. I also hoped that what we work on, pray for, and hope for came true: growing old together

    Tbh, i'm not that good at writing a sentence about my feelings, let along a paragraf, but one thing i like to do...

    Let me be your home, a place where you return to when the sun downs
    When you feel burnt out, come to me, for i keep water to cool you down
    If the world grows too loud, let my steadfast embrace shield you in quiet grace
    And if worry clouds your heart, speak to me
    I'll whisper to the angels, carrying your burdens to the heavens above

    Finn's Interest

    Likes : Red, strawberry, red roses, chocolate, sci-fi, anime, manga, history and literature, languages (Finn's a polyglot), constelation, moon
    Dislike : Unexpected sudden weather change (it messes with his immune system), iced drinks (Finn didn't really hate it but always avoid it whenever he gets the chance lol), rude ppl
    Hobbies : Archery, cosplay
    Foods : Hamburg steak, burger, mushroom soup, all of my cooking basically lol
    Drinks : Hot chocolate, warm tea, strawberry milk

    Favorite Quotes from Finn
    "Thank you for being strong and facing your fears, you have made it out"
    "You have let your guard down, i will guard you in return"
    “You came before those intrusive thoughts, do not let them influence your actions”